Support services
Please keep an eye on Council's Facebook page for updated information on the Wilcannia vaccination hub.
No appointment is necessary. Vaccinations are available to people over 12 years of age.
If you have symptoms, like a runny nose, cough or sore throat, please get tested.
If you have had any other vaccination, you need to wait before you can have your COVID vaccination.
Testing hubs
Testing hubs throughout the Central Darling Shire are continuing.
Menindee Oval 10am to 4pm daily
Ivanhoe Sports Ground 10am to 2pm daily
White Cliffs Health Service 10am to 2pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Please phone the Health Service on 8083 6200 to make an appointment
Wilcannia Swimming Pool 10am to 2pm daily. Home visits for Day 5 and Day 12 testing will be conducted between 2pm and 4pm.
It's OK to be not OK
This is a tough time for everyone, not just at home but across the state.
If you, a family member or a friend needs some help to get through it, there's plenty of people around to help.
You can find support in your local area by calling your local health service, talk to a trusted friend, or contact one of the numbers below.
Beyond Blue 1800 51 23 48
Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
Domestic Violence Line 1800 65 64 63
1800RESPECT 1800 73 77 32
Suicide Callback Service 1300 65 94 67
There's no shame in asking for help.