A statement from the LEMC

Published on 30 August 2021


30 August 2021


The Local Emergency Management Committee, comprising State agencies, NGOs, and Central Darling Shire Council meet daily to ensure services to COVID affected areas are coordinated and able to meet immediate needs.


The Far West Local Health District was alerted to the possibility of a COVID positive person being in Wilcannia on Friday, 13 August. A pop up COVID testing clinic opened on Saturday, 14 August giving all residents easy access to a testing facility.

At the same time, the Local Emergency Management Committee first met, revising all plans relating to a potential COVID outbreak. The Committee continues to meet on a daily basis.

The NSW Government accepted the Federal Government offer of Australian Defence Force assistance for areas including western and far western NSW on Friday 20 August. The Australian Medical Assistance Team (AUSMAT) which is attached to the Australian Defence Force was deployed and on the ground in Wilcannia on Wednesday 24 August to conduct welfare checks and in-home vaccination services. They will return to Wilcannia following deployment duties in other areas of western NSW.


Far West Local Health District (FWLHD) has set up a Community Response Team to support COVID positive patients in the community. Wilcannia Multi-purpose Service is equipped with a transportable ventilator to safeguard patients who may require this whilst being transferred to Broken Hill Hospital or to another tertiary hospital for more intensive care.


NSW Health are working with the community and the partner agencies to develop Community Supported Accommodation to house individuals or families who may require safe alternative accommodation choices for isolation for both COVID positive individuals and those who were deemed close contacts.

A Development Application for medium term accommodation which will address ongoing housing shortages in Wilcannia has been approved by the Department of Planning through advocacy from Central Darling Shire Council. The Aboriginal Housing Office is coordinating this medium term accommodation which also requires the services of trades professionals for electricity, water and sewage connection.


Wilcannia Community Radio will recommence broadcasting on Monday, 30 August between 9am and 7pm.


Emergency supplies, provided by the NSW State Government, were delivered to all households in Wilcannia and continue to be distributed to families under isolation. Delivery of these items has been undertaken by a group of community volunteers, supported by NSW Police and the Australian Defence Force. Far West Local Health District continues to support families in critical need with food, including some hot meal delivery.

Residents through Central Darling Shire, including Wilcannia, are advised that local stores are able to supply groceries. Those residents unaffected by isolation directions are reminded that one person per household can shop and access other essential services, masks must be worn at all times and check in at each site visited in mandatory.


Testing sites are operating as usual; seven days a week in Wilcannia, Menindee and Ivanhoe, with White Cliffs testing site operational on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Residents throughout the Shire are also able to access testing from their local health service out of these hours. Please phone the health service prior to attending to ensure staff are aware they will be conducting a COVID test.

Residents who are subject to isolation orders need to be tested on Day 5 and Day 12 of their isolation. These residents can call the Wilcannia Health Service and health workers from the Far West Local Health District will take these tests in home.

Testing is free and residents are able to access further testing if they feel symptoms such as runny nose, dry cough or sore or scratchy throat.


Vaccination clinics are run by the Royal Flying Doctor Services. The RFDS will continue this service throughout the Shire with dates and times to be published.

The Wilcannia Vaccination Clinic will open this week at the Wilcannia Town Hall on Thursday between 11am and 4pm and Friday between 10am and 1pm.


Front line staff, community volunteers and other workers will suffer fatigue and it is essential that this is managed for both physical and mental health.

The ongoing support of workers and volunteers cannot be underestimated and it is this joint effort working with true community spirit that has ensured a coordinated response was activated within days of concerns first being raised.

It is unfortunate that an item published on the weekend has sought to diminish the coordinated efforts of our community, through Federal, State and Local Government actions supported by a dedicated and selfless group of community members who have volunteered their time, and put themselves at the front line, to support our community through some of its darkest days.

This unsourced opinion piece was from a publication that should pride itself on its support of the whole of the Far West. LEMC member agencies are disappointed that the publication took no time to find facts. Our media has a responsibility to inform its community and hold government to account. However, our member agencies also have a responsibility to their communities to ensure they are safe, comfortable, protected and supported. Our Indigenous communities have the right to be consulted on the appropriateness of actions that will affect them, their families and their physical and mental health. This has been undertaken in less than 10 days and the cultural sensitivities and needs of our community are being balanced with health and welfare needs.

LEMC member agencies have and will always respond to community needs during this time. To suggest otherwise can only been seen as an attempt to scandalise the hard working front line staff who are caring for our community.