Local Government Week 2021
Published on 03 August 2021
Local Government Week is celebrated in August each year, recognising the positive impact local government throughout NSW has on its local communities.
While Central Darling Shire is unique in its makeup, covering the largest geographical area of any Council in NSW, it still provides a range of services comparable to Councils throughout the state.
Our limited rate base means that we rely heavily on government funding to ensure essential services are provided to the community, including roads, water and sewerage services and waste management – all the things that provide a basic quality of life for our residents.
We are also unique in that we have gone through a long period of administration, and while many residents feel they are not democratically represented, I can assure all residents they are being heard.
This has been shown through the extensive consultations we have undertaken for the development of our Community Strategic Plan, with the addition of targeted town and village plans.
Almost 300 people participated in consultations. With a total population of just over 1800, this is an outstanding effort by staff, our consultants and – more importantly – our communities.
The impact of COVID restrictions in Sydney and other states in Australia has delayed further consultations, but I can assure our communities that this has not stalled the development of these plans.
Other important activities which have been delayed include the governance review which is being undertaken by the Office of Local Government with the support of Council.
Once we are able to get back on the road, this will be an important opportunity for our residents to have input into how they want the roadmap out of administration to look.
I am proud to be in the Administrator’s role during a critical time in the development of Central Darling Shire Council.
I am committed to ensuring the voices of the communities we serve are heard – locally as well as at a state and federal government level – and look forward to the positive impact the development of this roadmap will have.
While we are under COVID restrictions I won’t be able to get out to see our communities face to face, but I am always happy to talk with our residents by phone. Contact Council to make an appointment for a phone meeting.
Bob Stewart
Central Darling Shire Council