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22 November 2023, 04:00 PM
A Public Hearing will be held in November about the proposal to reclassify 232 Council owned properties from Community to Operational land.
In 2012 the Central Darling Local Environmental Plan (2012) (LEP) was made.
At the time, several Council owned lands were incorrectly classified as community land.
Also, over the years Central Darling Shire Council has acquired hundreds of properties through failed payment of rates.
Each of these acquired sites were never deemed to be operational land through a Council resolution and therefore defaulted to community land.
Like many Councils in NSW, Central Darling Shire Council (Council) lacks affordable housing or land readily available to be used for staff housing or other workers coming to town.
The purpose of this planning proposal is to reclassify 232 Council owned properties from community to operational under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) and to permit dealings with the land to occur.
The planning proposal does not request any alteration to the development controls contained in the LEP including land zoning and minimum lot size.
The planning proposal has been drafted to meet the requirements of Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and the Department of Planning and Environment’s (DPE) ‘Local Environment Plan Making Guideline (December 2021).
The proposed dates for the procedure to exhibit the planning proposal, notify the public hearing and the public hearing are as follows:
• The exhibition period is required to be a minimum of 28 days. The documents will be exhibited upon the Central Darling Shire Council website and the NSW Planning Portal.
• The date to start the exhibition is September 27, 2023 with the finish date of 4pm, October 26, 2023.
• Following the exhibition of the Planning Proposal Council is required to advertise for at least 21 days the proposed public hearing for the Planning Proposal to reclassify the council owned land. The proposed dates to notify are from 27 October until 17 November 2023.
• The date for the public hearing to be held in Wilcannia (Council chambers) and televised to the Menindee office and Ivanhoe office is for November 21, 2023. The day before the council meeting.
Media-Release-Public-hearing-on-proposal-to-reclassify-Council-owned-community-land-to-operational-land.pdf(PDF, 135KB)
Media-Release-proposal-to-reclassify-Council-owned-community-land-to-operational-land.pdf(PDF, 165KB)
Gateway-determination.pdf(PDF, 36KB)
Gateway-determination-report.pdf(PDF, 131KB)
Letter-to-Council.pdf(PDF, 35KB)
Central-Darling-Reclassification-Planning-Proposal-1-9-23.pdf(PDF, 587KB)
Central-Darling-Reclassification-Planning-Proposal-Appendix-2-Site-Assessments.pdf(PDF, 727KB)